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Incorporated in 2014, RICE Consultancy Pte Ltd is a boutique Business Growth Consultancy specialising in end-to-end growth solutions that help business owners build their businesses for greater success, with achievable results.
Since 2018, RICE has double-downed on its origins and reconnected with its core belief: the growth mindset. The RICE of today is a business consultancy driven by the pursuit of growth in all its forms.
Since 2018, RICE has double-downed on its origins and reconnected with its core belief: the growth mindset. The RICE of today is a business consultancy driven by the pursuit of growth in all its forms.
At RICE, we believe wholeheartedly in continuous progress, across all aspects of life. Whether we are brainstorming for ideas, communicating with clients, or simply having a chat in our office, we live and breathe this philosophy. Opportunities to learn and areas to improve stand out to us as room for growth. We are instantly attracted by such potential, because it gives us sustenance to make ourselves and others flourish.
We strive to bring this passion for growth to the business world, where the landscape is constantly in flux and every little step forward matters even more. Our aim is to help individuals and organisations bloom into their full potential, harvest great returns, make more space to grow and keep the cycle going. That’s why we make continuous development and dynamism the key pillars of our work. That’s why we take great leaps with people who share our growth passion.
Within our team, growth endeavours mean a journey towards being better contributors in a synchronised, holistic unit. Taking an outward approach, they represent significant breakthroughs for our clients, meaningful change-making with our partners, and wider horizons for the next generation. We make every result count. Change old world mindsets. Build inspirational cultures. Cultivate the new business paradigm. We are RICE — harvesting real growth. After working on more than 100 projects for a wonderfully diverse clientele — from Capelle Academy, Singapore Red Cross and Enercov to Rainforest Education Centre, KTC Construction and SKINFOOD, we can’t help but look forward to becoming a trusted Business Growth Partner for the next purpose-driven company we meet.



The New Branding of RICE

Life is all about learning and growing. When we can understand this philosophy intrinsically and apply it to our business world, we know that stagnancy cannot and should not be something that we indulge in.

A deep thought-provoking conversation brewed within RICE.

Restless, angsty and a huge overdose on coffee, we knew we are approaching the dreaded “S” word. We knew with the evolving Economy, where every customer experience points to being “relationship-centric” and no more “product-centric”, where processes can have technology intelligence of its own and not rely on the passé manual human methods used in the Industrial Age, where emotional storytelling is now the new face of Marketing and if you ain’t connected with your customers aspiration-wise, you are lagging behind the new wave of Branding.

People means more than Products,

Solutions means more than Survival,

Legacy means more than Labour

Something got to change. For the better.

How can we help Businesses more effectively?

How can we actualise this passion we have in impacting the evolving business landscape?

We brainstormed. We argued. We looked at the stars for signs. We definitely prayed.

Every answer we had pointed back to an unanimous thought – Growth.

Individually, taking on a new journey for RICE also means learning more about ourselves as a contributor and how we sync holistically as a team. Corporately, Growth to us means significant breakthroughs for our clients, seeking impactful changes for every client we serve, growing with them for wider horizons, bigger ponds to swim in.

We want this. This thought encapsulates why RICE exists and the more we dwell on it, it became our heartbeat, our mantra, our soul.

Making results count. Changing old world mindsets. Building inspirational cultures. Creating a new business world with the next generation.

This, is the new RICE. Where harvesting real, genuine growth for you is what we pursue.

Excitement now replaced deep thinking. We can’t wait to show you and the rest of the world how we bring this to fruition. How we think with you, work with you and grow with you to reap many harvests of “RICE” – tangible profits through strategic growth solutions in every aspect of your business.

You matter. Your business matters. Your families matter.

Let’s go get RICE together.

To Your Growth,
The new RICE Team


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